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Appeal procedures are followed where an individual, a trainer or a training provider wishes to challenge a decision taken against them by EUSR. This could include removal of trainer status, removal of recognised training centre status, loss of recognition of a programme of learning or non conformance as a result of applications submitted.

In order to ensure that the process is transparent and that all appeals are treated fairly it is important to follow the appeal process. EUSR reserves the right not to progress an appeal through the process where the reason for the appeal is unclear, or where evidence supporting the appeal has not been supplied. In this case further details will be requested before an appeal can be considered.

Appeal Process

An appeal must be made within 28 days of the action being taken against the individual, trainer or training provider by EUSR.

An appeal must:

  • Be made in writing
  • Be received no more than 28 days from the date of the action that is being challenged
  • Include sufficient evidence as to the subject of the appeal

An appeal is initially handled as a written appeal. It is expected that the majority of appeals will be resolved in writing without the need to progress further. Should the outcome of this be unsatisfactory to the appellant there is an option to progress to an appeals panel.

Appeals should be sent for the attention of:

The EUSR Support Manager
Energy & Utility Skills
Friars Gate
1011 Stratford Road
West Midlands
B90 4BN

EUSR will send an acknowledgement that an appeal has been received and commit to responding in full within 28 days.

Appeal Panel

In the event that an appeal cannot be satisfactorily resolved through the written process there is an option to progress to an appeals panel for a final binding decision. A proposed date for the panel will be provided within 28 days of receipt of the request.

Additional evidence in support of the appeal must be submitted prior to the appeal panel being convened.