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EUSR welcomes feedback about any training course that has been run that leads to an EUSR registration or any EUSR process or activity that is not handled as a complaint or appeal. We record all feedback received, positive and negative, and value it when reviewing schemes and when identifying wider service issues.

Complaint procedures are followed when an individual raises a concern about the EUSR. This includes process, policies and products (such as training content and materials provided by EUSR), or complaints about a trainer acting on our behalf.

Feedback or complaints relating to the content and delivery of training that is not produced by EUSR , such as S/NVQ qualifications should be directed in the first instance to the training provider. The awarding bodies also have feedback procedures, details of which can be found on their website.

We record all feedback received and can provide a response to it if desired. In some cases we may contact the individual who has submitted the feedback in order to gather further information.

Feedback and complaints should be sent for the attention of:

The EUSR Support Manager
Energy & Utility Skills
Friars Gate
1011 Stratford Road
West Midlands
B90 4BN

Feedback Process

Feedback should be submitted in writing. A feedback form is available on this website although we also value feedback received by letter or e-mail to

In some situations we may solicit feedback from trainers, training providers or trainees relating to a specific topic such as trainer events, train the trainer sessions and update briefings. Feedback may also be solicited when a scheme is scheduled for review and update to attempt to ensure that the materials produced meet the requirements of industry.

If you prefer to talk to us, you can contact us on 0845 077 9922. In order to ensure that we accurately record feedback we may ask for this to be followed up in writing.

Complaints Process

A formal complaint must be submitted in writing and using the form available on this website. This is to ensure that all the necessary information is collated and assists in processing the complaint. In order to ensure that the process is transparent and that all complaints are treated appropriately it is important to follow the complaints process. Further details may be requested before a complaint can be considered if sufficient evidence has not been provided.

EUSR will acknowledge the receipt of a complaint. An appropriate manager will investigate and respond in full within 28 days of the complaint being received.

Complaints should be sent for the attention of:

The EUSR Support Manager
Energy & Utility Skills
Friars Gate
1011 Stratford Road
West Midlands
B90 4BN

Complaints on behalf of another party

A complaint may be made as or on behalf of a Business, Charity or Trust, or on behalf of an individual as a solicitor or relative. In these cases please ensure that all relevant parts of the complaints form are fully completed including your contact details and those of the individual or organisation that the complaint is being made on behalf of.