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SHEA Refresh

08 Sep 2017

Our ever popular SHEA courses (i.e. Core, Water, Gas, Power, Telecoms and CCPHSE) are currently undergoing a substantive refresh.

SHEA Refresh photograph

Our ever popular SHEA courses (i.e. Core, Water, Gas, Power, Telecoms and CCPHSE) are currently undergoing a substantive refresh. This refresh is aimed at improving the performance of the courses across 3 key scheme areas: the course specification, course materials and multiple choice assessment questions.

Enhancing the existing strengths of the course

Whilst the refresh is designed to deliver significant improvements around the themes of rigour, currency, ease of delivery and learner engagement on the existing courses, it is not intended to be a 'root and branch' review, and trainers will only see changes designed to enhance the existing strengths of the courses. To this end, there will be a new design to module specifications, placing a focus on what the learner should know and understand, and making it clear what will be assessed.

There will also be dedicated programme leader's guides for each module, supporting enhanced PowerPoint delivery and providing trainers will a range of delivery ideas, activities and wider reading references. Whilst the assessment of the course will still be through multiple choice test, there will be new and revised questions, improving both the currency, relevance and focus of the assessment.

New course available in 2018

The Core and Water refresh projects are due to complete in the autumn with learners able to take new courses in the New Year 2018. All other SHEA sector area projects will complete before the end of the year with learners able to take new courses from the spring 2018. The current refresh does not include SHEA Waste which was revised in 2016.

There's still time to get involved

Industry technical experts, L&D and assessment specialists have all been involved in the process of shaping our responses to this refresh, and are supporting us actively through the development phase. There is still time though to make your voice heard, so if you want to contribute to the process, then please contact Simon Richards.

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