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SCO Refresher & Reassessment Extensions

09 Feb 2011

All Competent Persons and Authorising Engineers have been required to attend a briefing and reassessment in the new 2010 SCO procedures, this includes those persons who have completed training between 2005 and 2010. With SCO refresher and reassessment courses now available and being rolled out, each GDN has determined the date by which those working under SCO on their Network must have completed a refresher and reassessment course.

SCO Refresher & Reassessment Extensions photograph

Each Gas Distribution Network (GDN) has determined by which date those working under Safe Control of Operations (SCO) on their network will be allowed to continue working until they complete a refresher and reassessment course.

All Competent Persons and Authorising Engineers working on any of the networks must have a current and valid SCO training certificate and/or registration (as required by the GDN) by the following dates:

Wales & West Utilities Ltd

No extension

All AE and CP must have current SCO registration

Northern Gas NetworksExtended until 31 March 2011
Scotia Gas NetworksExtended until 30 April 2011
National GridExtended until 30 September 2011

The current training, assessment and registration mechanism associated with SCO was established in 2005, and has been operated consistently across the Gas Distribution Networks (GDN) in support of their Safety Case. A requirement of SCO is that a reassessment of registered Authorising Engineers and Competent Persons is carried out at least every 5 years, this becoming due in 2010. A review of the SCO suite of documents was carried out in 2010.

As a result all Competent Persons and Authorising Engineers have been required to attend a briefing and reassessment in the new 2010 SCO procedures, this includes those persons who have completed training between 2005 and 2010. Due to delays in the availability of refresher training in some Networks, SCO registered people have been allowed to continue working as before, beyond the date that appeared on their EU Skills database and EUSR card (if issued).

With SCO refresher and reassessment courses now available and being rolled out Energy & Utility Skills continues to work with GDNs who have determined the date by which those working under SCO on their Network must have completed a refresher and reassessment course. EU Skills continues to work with each GDN to determine their approach to EUSR re-registration. To date only Wales & West have required full EUSR re-registration and this process is now underway.

Initially, someone wishing to become recognised as either a Competent Person or an Authorising Engineer is required to undertake the appropriate SCO Training Modules. These modules are currently available from a number of approved Training Providers and more information is available on our website on the SCO scheme pages. The existing arrangements for applying for registration on GDN databases remain unchanged.

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