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Leakage Detection & Control Scheme

05 May 2009

A new scheme has been designed to recognise the skills of Leakage Detection Operatives and Leakage Control Technicians through completion of a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) or other recognised training and assessment programme.

Leakage Detection & Control Scheme photograph

In association with the Water Industry Skills Strategy Group (WISSG) a framework has been written to recognise the skills required by Leakage Detection Operatives and Leakage Control Technicians. A method of recognition of these skills allows Water Companies to demonstrate that they are employing people with the correct skills and knowledge base to work on their networks and allows contractors to demonstrate the suitability of their workforce in a convenient and nationally recognised way.

The scheme allows registration through completion of an NVQ, or by completion of a learning program recognised by Energy & Utility Skills. The NVQ can be completed at level 2 for leakage detection, or level 3 for leakage control. Leakage Control Technician registration requires applicants to complete one or more of the job role specific options; Measuring equipment, Step-testing, Evaluating data.

Provisional registration is available for both leakage detection and leakage control for apprentices, those new to the industry and experienced workers to allow them to demonstrate their commitment to complete appropriate training and assessment.

Representatives from the Water Industry have made it a requirement that all applicants must hold a National Water Hygiene card, a Utility SHEA (Water) card and a valid registration for NRSWA module 2.

Further information on the framework, the documents required for registration and a full list of accepted qualifications and recognised learning programmes can be found here, on the scheme pages. The registration form is available here.

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