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Is the future of cards virtual?

01 Nov 2017

Recently a few of us in the EUSR team attended the inaugural CSCS Partner Conference.

Is the future of cards virtual? photograph

It was a really successful day and we met with lots of other CSCS Partners and had some very interesting presentations on Smart Technology, Fraud Investigation and Qualifying the Workforce.

Smart technology

The presentation and following workshop on Smart Technology were especially topical as we have been discussing internally how we can use 'smarter' technology to improve our service levels and service delivery. The big question that got everyone talking was whether to switch away from the traditional Photo ID Card to an online 'virtual' card.

Virtual cards

With a virtual card, an individual would have their card stored on their phone or tablet, via an app, and present to those requiring proof of EUSR registration. There are pros and cons, as with everything, which would need to be carefully considered before the idea was progressed. Other CSCS Partners are already using this technology in lieu of the traditional card, with a lot of success.

Could it work in our sector?

Marie would welcome views from trainers and others working the energy and utilities sector about the potential for virtual cards. Please email Marie with your own views on this, especially if you have experience of working with virtual cards.

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