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Dr Jacqueline Hall to lead Independent Assessment Service

28 Sep 2016

Dr Jacqueline Hall takes up the EEIAS leadership role from the 1 October 2016.

Dr Jacqueline Hall to lead Independent Assessment Service photograph

After joining the Energy & Utility Skills Group in 2013, Barry Brooks, our Strategic Adviser & Executive Director of the EEIAS, has decided to put some well-earned focus on his retirement and leave the business at the end of September.

While wishing Barry all the best for his future, Nick Ellins, Chief Executive of Energy & Utility Skills Group said "Barry has been pivotal in establishing the Energy & Efficiency Independent Assessment Service, which was responsible for assessing the very first apprentice cohort, who followed the new English employer designed Apprenticeship Standard.

"The service has now reached the point, because of its success in delivering the Government's new workforce reforms for Apprenticeships and skills, that it's now firmly cemented into the Energy & Utility Skills product offering."

Government and stakeholders alike recognise the Independent Assessment Service as being the most effective and efficient example of employer leadership and ownership, building on its approach to assessment and assurance that have been tried, tested and trusted by employers in the industry.

Murdo Allan OBE, chair of the Energy & Efficiency Independent Assessment Service, commented "the members of the Independent Assessment Service Governing Body thank Barry for his total commitment to the service. Since its establishment in 2013, Barry has played a leading and vital role in developing our reputation for introducing new Apprenticeship Standards with credible approaches to assessment and assurance that directly meet the energy and utilities sectors' skills need".

Dr Jacqueline Hall, our current Head of Assurance and Assessment takes up the EEIAS leadership role from the 1 October. Jacqueline has been working alongside Barry in establishing the Independent Assessment Service. She has played a pivotal role in working with our employer-led 'trailblazer' groups who are dedicated to the Government's Apprenticeship reforms, and totally committed to preserving our 100% approval rate for creating new Apprenticeship Standards and assessment plans across the energy and utilities sector.

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